Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Session 8

Today was extremely frustrating. I played just under 5K hands at highstakes and won $3500. According to HEM I ran about 28K over EV. Now you might think this means I ran "good" but not exactly. I played my A-/B+ game, something that should return like a $300 hourly, (so yeah I guess I ran "barely good" cus I beat my projected hourly a little) especially in the games today. But my goodness, in 5 years of professional poker, and multiple millions of hands, thousands of sessions, I have never had so many coolers in one day. It was an absolute joke, and incredibly frustrating on so many levels. Usually the EV line is something I can use to guage my play a little bit, what I normally tell people is "it's equal to or more likely to be accurate than your actual winnings but neither of them are accurate for your expectation, obv" Like, if you get dealt KK for 4500 hands in a row, and someone else has AA, if u win half the time ur going to break even but your EV is going into the tank, and, thats literally what happened today, it was an absolute joke and the most extreme session of coolers I have EVER had. I don't make these absolute statements ever unless they are true and I am so tilted right now! 

On the bright side I have a new career peak for PTR on Stars, basically what happened today is I would get some ridiculously stupid and frustrating cooler on FTP, lose a few thousand, then win a flip or two in the capgames on Stars. and repeat repeat repeat. I mixed in some showdown coolers on Stars too though.

In poker sometimes you hit an extreme that you did not think was ever possible before, and for me it just happens so rarely, nowadays, I have a great grasp on variance and whats "supposed to happen" and "how likely is it to happen" and "whats variance like" etc. I have just an incredible understanding of all of these things when it comes to cash poker but my goodness sometimes you just hit an extreme that blows everything out of the water. I played well today, not tip top shape like two of my other sessions, but probably my third best session or so in terms of how I felt about my play. And given how amazing the games were that I played in, and the fact that I never went over 12 tables, I should have crushed today. I even took a break and came back and played 100 hands then quit again because I immidiately lost some more big pots and many of them I had great hands and didn't even end up getting to showdown because of stupid turn/river combos.


Going to play Starcraft again, maybe I'll start streaming. I have been playing much better lately and won some cool games today. I really like my PvZ and my PvP, my PvT needs probably the most work of the three.

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